Sunday, October 4, 2009

English Trade (England Trade): English Exports (England Exports), English Imports (England Imports)

England Foreign Trade
England foreign trade and global economic policies

England has a long, rich, and colorful history of international trade, from Medieval times, to discovery of the New World and settlement of the Americas, to the colonial period and industrialization, to the present.

England is a major trading partner for all countries in the EU, and in fact most countries worldwide. England had an early start in heavy industry and manufacturing, and continues to trade in these sectors.

England is in favor of a reduction of tariff levels across a wide range of industries, including nearly all goods and services. England is against nuisance tariffs, or tariffs that are below 2%. It is also against tariff peaks, however it supports binding tariffs at applied rates.

England is in suport of wider market access for all services, as it has a very strong service sector. It is also pushing for more transparent and neurtal regulation of anti-dumping legislation to keep them from being used in protectionist ways.

While England receives EU subsidies, particularly in farming, it nevertheless favors more stringent subsidy law to reduce their trade-distorting effects.

In 2008, the UK’s deficit on goods and services (not just England’s) declined to £46.1 billion, versus with a deficit of £46.6 billion in 2007.

England Exports
England exports around the world. The United Kingdom (not just England) has the 9th largest amount of exports per year, valued at an estimated $468,700 million USD (2008).

This is slightly less than Russia at $476,000 and slightly more than Canada at $468,700.

Products exported from England include:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Automobiles
  • Crude oil and petroleum products
  • Aircraft engines
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • England Imports
    Just as England exports to all over the world,
    England imports from mostly all countries worldwide.Some of England’s imports are:

  • Machinery
  • Fuels
  • Apparel
  • Foodstuffs
  • Electronics
  • Automobiles
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